input Anmelden
place Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg

SUNTAT FR Poultry Sausage 400 g

400 g

Outdoor picnic can not be done without barbecue, not without barbecue sauce. SUNTAT poultry sausage, made from 100% poultry meat, mixed with special spices, which are collected for you in the mountains of Anatolia and aged without heat treatment. We assure that this unique taste will become more indispensable for you and your family.

Store in a refrigerated state from +4°C to +6°C. After opening, consume within three days.

Poultry sausage

Vertrieb: DOVGAN GmbH, Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg,

Kaufen SUNTAT FR Poultry Sausage 400 g im Dovgan Online Shop

Zutaten: Truthahnfleisch 74%, Truthahnfett, Trinkwasser, Kochsalz, Gewürze, Dextrose (aus Mais), Würze, Stabilisator: E450, essbare Hülle, Gewürzaromen.

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100 g
Energie kJ / kcal 934 / 225
Fett g 19
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren g 6,3
Kohlenhydrate g 2,6
davon Zucker g 1,7
Eiweiß g 12
Salz g 2,3