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place Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg

DOVGAN Gourmet Spareribs American BBQ-Art slow cooked 900 g

900 g

Protein Source, High protein content
Proteins contribute to an increase in muscle mass. This applies to a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Recommended preparation:
Oven: Preheat the oven well (top and bottom heat 180 °C). Remove the foil. Bake pork ribs on a baking sheet covered with baking paper on the middle rail of the oven for about 10 - 15 minutes.
Grill: Remove the ribs from the bag and grill for about 5 - 10 minutes until the surface is browned.

After opening, store in the refrigerator and consume within 48 hours.

Smoked spare ribs, marinated, pre-fried

Vertrieb: DOVGAN GmbH, Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg,


92% Schweinerippchen, Zucker, Salz, Gewürze, Aroma, Raucharoma, Glukose, Invertzuckersirup, Wasser, Verdickungsmittel: Guarkernmehl, Xanthan; Säuerungsmittel: Essigsäure, Citronensäure, Antioxidationsmittel: Ascorbinsäure, Farbstoffe: Ammoniak-Zuckerkulör, Paprikaextrakt.

Das Produkt kann Spuren von SELLERIE, SENF, WEIZEN, MILCH, SESAMSAMEN und SULFITEN enthalten.

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100 g
Energie kJ / kcal 996 / 239
Fett g 17
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren g 5,8
Kohlenhydrate g 5,0
davon Zucker g 3,6
Eiweiß g 17
Salz g 2,2