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place Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg

Taschki Fitness Dumplings with Chicken Filling 400 g

400 g

Do not refreeze after defreezing and consume immediately!
The product is not suitable for raw consumption and must be thoroughly cooked!

The dumplings can be served in different forms. We have selected two traditional Eastern European dishes for you that are quick and easy to prepare:

1. boiled pelmeni
Place the deep-frozen dumplings in boiling salted water and cook for about 8 minutes, stirring several times. Add pepper and bay leaves to taste. When the dumplings float to the surface of the water, they can be carefully removed from the water with a slotted spoon and served on a plate with some Dovgan Family sour cream.

2. fried pelmeni
Place the deep-frozen dumplings in boiling salted water and cook for about 8 minutes until they float to the surface. Remove from the water with a slotted spoon and let drain. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the dumplings on both sides over medium heat until golden brown. Then arrange on a plate with the traditional Eastern European sauce "Adgika" as a dip.

High protein content. Proteins contribute to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass. In addition to a varied and balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle is important for your well-being. A portion of dumplings contains 22g of protein and thus 44% of the daily recommended amount of protein.

Dumplings with 45% seasoned chicken filling, deep-frozen

Vertrieb: DOVGAN GmbH, Zinkhüttenweg 6, 22113 Hamburg,


WEIZENMEHL, Wasser, 20,7% Hähnchenbrustfilet, Grieß aus HARTWEIZEN, 7,2% Hähnchenschenkelfleisch, Hähnchenhaut, Salz, Rapsöl, Hähncheneiweiß, schwarzer Pfeffer, Aroma, Dill, Knoblauch.

Das Produkt kann Spuren von SOJA, MILCH, EIER, SELLERIE, SENF und SESAMSAMEN enthalten.

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100 g pro Portion* g 200
Energie kJ / kcal 801/190 1603/380
Fett g 4.2 8.4
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren g 1,0 2,0
Kohlenhydrate g 27 54
davon Zucker g 0,6 1,2
Eiweiß g 11 22
Salz g 1,1 2,1

*Eine Portion entspricht 200g. Die Packung enthält zwei Portionen.